Thursday, January 28, 2010


So, this is manly for Becca but obviously because I'm posting it on here it's for any of you..
This is my recipe for the week, Rebecca. Sorry I didn't post one last week. It's very simple, very loose, and very versetile.

1/2 of an onion, chopped
1 can of chick peas, almost completely drained
1/2 - 3/4 of a cup of chopped up brocoli (there's really not much measurement as far as the brocoli goes...)
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. curry powder
a small dash of crushed red pepper (only a very little bit of this...alittle goes a long way...)
a handful of peanuts
oil for cooking
salt and pepper to taste

In a frying pan, cook the onions with a minute or two, then add the brocoli and the peanuts. Cook for another 3 minutes or so, or until the vegetables are starting to get soft. Add the spices, cook for a few seconds then add the chick peas with their liquid. Cook until chick peas are done, the vegetables are soft, and almost all the liquid in the pan is gone. Add salt and pepper.

Now, like I said, you can switch this up alot. Add more or less spices as you like it, cashews are good if you don't have peanuts (although I really prefere peanuts). Change it up to fit what you want at the moment. I like this alot because it's reallly simple, the taste isn't hard to get, and it's really just the two flavors but mixed together they make one yummy dish.

Enjoy this! I have a really good recipe for a chocolate-cinnamon cookie which is really just chocolate cookie dough rolled in cinnamon sugar. They make delicious chewy cookies I just have to vegan-proof the recipe before I share it with you.

I hope you have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. laura will you post the recipe for those lovely chocolate-chocolate cookies you make? i want some...
