Tuesday, December 29, 2009

two new things:

firstly, check out this contest that happened on apartmenttherapy this year. how delicious!

also, THESE guys are wonderful. i just (just) started listening to them and can't get enough. a brother and sister with such voices...

Monday, December 7, 2009

good music

a while ago i went to see this documentary. i am listening to the soundtrack now. go to the top right of the page and click "launch soundtrack".


Thursday, December 3, 2009

all i want for christmas...

ok girls, how's this for a becca's birthday/holiday plan:
one of the days before christmas, be it the 20th, 21st, 22nd or 23rd we plan this lovely evening:

snuggle up and go to sleep by our toasty-yet-fake wood stove...

how does it sound? sunday the 20th? when do you work claire? 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i don't know about the video...

...but i love this song.


Monday, November 23, 2009

listen to this

I found this on my camera and it made me so happy.

it's dark november ouside

I read something lovely and sad for class last night, and I thought especially of you, Becca. It goes like this:

We shall meet again, in Petersburg,
as though we had buried the sun there,
and then we shall pronounce for the first time
the blessed word with no meaning.
In the Soviet night, in the velvet dark,
in the black velvet Void, the loved eyes
of the blessed women are still singing,
flowers are blooming that will never die.

The capital hunches like a wild cat,
a patrol is stationed on the bridge,
a single car rushes past in the dark,
snarling, hooting like a cuckoo.
For this night I need no pass.
I’m not afraid of the sentries.
I will pray in the Soviet night
for the blessed word with no meaning.

A rustling, as in a theater,
and a girl suddenly crying out,
and the arms of Cypris are weighed down
with roses that will never fall.
For something to do we warm ourselves at a bonfire,
maybe the ages will die away
and the loved hands of the blessed women
will brush the light ashes together.

Somewhere audiences of red flowers exist,
and the fat sofas of the loges,
and a clockwork officer
looking down on the world.
Never mind if our candles go out
in the velvet, in the black Void. The bowed shoulders
of the blessed women are still singing.
You’ll never notice the night’s sun.

-Osip Mandelstam

(Translated from the Russian by Clarence Brown and W.S. Merwin)

Will I see you all this weekend?

I hope so.

Friday, November 20, 2009

a beautiful artist

forwarded to me by my papa. take a look:


just drinking a yummy green smoothie--first one in ages!--and listening to bruises by chairlift on repeat....

so here's one of my new favorite ideas: what i wore today drawings
(i did that top one by the way!)
and these next few are just a some taken from the great flickr page!

i love the tea!

now it's your turn! post your drawn self for all to see!

...just thought i'd share <3

Thursday, November 19, 2009

i remembered this video today, and i wanted to remind all of you about it, too!
i know that elizabeth and bec have seen it before but i don't know about anna and claire.
whether you've seen it a million times and love it, or if you haven't yet discovered it, you should watch it. i just finished watching it and remembered why i loved it so much the first time bibith showed it to me.

November skies...

- I Imagine Myself In Time by Jane Hirshfield
I imagine myself in time looking back on myself--
this self, this morning,
drinking her coffee on the first day of the new year
and once again almost unable to move her pen through the iron air.
Perplexed by my life as Midas was in his world of sudden metal,
surprised that it was not as he'd expected, what he had asked.
And that other self, who watches me from the distance of decades,
what will she say? Will she look at me with hatred or with compassion,
I whose choices made her what she will be?

please enjoy this, girlies! i love you all!
- laura

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to Be an Artist

stay loose. learn to watch snails.
plant impossible gardens. invite
someone dangerous to tea. make
little signs that say Yes! and post
them all over your house. make friends
with freedom and uncertainty. look
forward to dreams. cry during movies.
swing as high as you can on a
swingset, by moonlight. cultivate
mood. refuse to "be responsible".
do it for love. take lots of naps.
give money away. do it now.
the money will follow. believe in magic.
laugh a lot. celebrate every gorgeous
moment. take moonbaths. have
wild imaginings, transformative
dreams, and perfect calm. draw on the
walls. read everyday. imagine yourself
magic. giggle with children. listen to old
people. open up. dive in. be free.
bless yourself. drive away fear. play
with everything. entertain your inner
child. you are innocent. build a fort
with blankets. get wet. hug trees.
write love letters.

<3 sark


Tuesday, November 17, 2009



Sunday, November 15, 2009

leap year

laura T shared a preview for this movie and i thought - how cute! i love amy adams -

Leap Year

also, i loved the Hazy song.
- Becca

Saturday, November 14, 2009

that solo's really long, but it's a pretty song

I heard this song for the first time last week and I have been listening to it over and over since then.

Friday, November 13, 2009


The Ashmont train is always late
those days I am
blotted out by the crowd.
Exchanging r's for l's clutching
ipods, cell phones, showing freshly stained
yellow fingernails.
The grey-green walls absorb me:

I rode the 23 here naked
an outline on the slippery seat.
The travelers looked
and looked away
through colored windows
at neighbors clothed
as always
in ebony finery.

And then:
her lips painted, so real
moist crimson
she charted her flamenco conversation
round hips.
Purple heels on cement stairs, bright
A brown shrug erased me again.
Someone, (quickly before the red train comes)
find me a skin colored crayon.

- Rebecca Horner, Fall 2009

Found this on the VegNew Website: let's plan a trip there over break! (we can handle the snow)

VegNews Daily

Veggielicious Vermont

Vegan eatery opens in Vermont.

Burlington, Vt., known for its eco-conscious, free-spirited, eclectic population, recently welcomed its first vegan restaurant to town—at last. Owen Hoppe, owner of New Ethic Restaurant in the Old North End neighborhood, opened his new dining spot thanks to inspiration from the vegan band, Earth Crisis. The restaurant name, inspired by one of the band's songs, serves only meat-free fare like Thai salad with a coconut-avocado dressing, a soul-food platter, and plantain burgers. Make a trip to this veggie haven before the snow-storm season begins—otherwise reserve your table in April.
